Frontiers in Neurophotonics 2022
Dates: October 10 -12, 2022
Venue: Musée de la Civilisation, 85 Rue Dalhousie, Québec City, QC, Canada, G1K 8R2
The Frontiers in Neurophotonics Symposium 2022 (FINS2022) is the sixth in a series of successful conferences dedicated to the new frontiers in microscopy and neuroscience co-organized by Université de Bordeaux (Research Departments of Neurosciences and Photonics and the Bordeaux Imaging Center) and Université Laval (CERVO Brain Research Center and Neurophotonics Center).
The symposium brought together leading developers and users of advanced optical approaches to study brain functions, from receptor dynamics in synapses, to sensory processing in intact brains, to the development of innovative approaches that can lead to new clinical and therapeutic opportunities.
The symposium covered:
- super-resolution optical microscopy,
- single molecule techniques,
- in-vivo optical imaging,
- optogenetics and photomanipulation,
- fiber probes for sensing,
- intrinsic molecular imaging and spectroscopy,
- image analysis & computational approaches,
- machine/deep learning

Download the program and abstract book as a PDF document
2022 speakers
- Anna Devor | Boston University College of Engineering, USA
- Bojana Stefanovic | University of Toronto, Canada
- Caroline Ménard | Université Laval, Canada
- Chen Yang | Boston University, USA
- Chris Schaffer | Cornell University, USA
- Chris Xu | Cornell University, USA
- Daniel Choquet | Université de Bordeaux, France
- David Perrais | Université de Bordeaux, France
- Drew Robson | Max Planck Institute, Tuebingen, Germany
- Ed Ruthazer | McGill University, Canada
- Flavie-Lavoie Cardinal | Université Laval, Canada
- Harold MacGillavry | Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Haruhiko Bito | Tokyo University, Japan
- Jean-Claude Beïque | University of Ottawa, Canada
- Jennifer Li | Max Planck Institute, Tuebingen, Germany
- Jerome Mertz | Boston University, USA
- Laurent Groc | Université de Bordeaux, France
- Lydia Danglot | Paris University, France
- Majid Mohajerani | University of Lethbridge, Canada
- Markita Landry | University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Markus Sauer | University of Würzburg, Germany
- Minoru Koyama | University of Toronto, Canada
- Na Ji | University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Patrick Desrosiers | Université Laval, Canada
- Ravi Rungta | Université de Montréal, Canada
- Renée Hlozek | University of Toronto, Canada
- Rochelin Dalangin | University California Davis, USA
- Yves De Koninck | Université Laval, Canada
Scientific Program Committee
- Flavie Lavoie-Cardinal (U Laval)
- Yves De Koninck (U Laval)
- Paul De Koninck (U Laval)
- Antoine Godin (U Laval)
- Daniel Côté (U Laval)
- Daniel Choquet (Bordeaux)
- Laurent Cognet (Bordeaux)
- Jean-Baptiste Sibarita (Bordeaux)
- Valentin Nägerl (Bordeaux)
Organizing Committee
- Flavie Lavoie-Cardinal (U Laval)
- Christophe Proulx (U Laval)
- Paul De Koninck (U Laval)
- Yves De Koninck (U Laval)
- Jacqueline Turmel (U Laval)
- Isabel Plasencia Fernandez (U Laval)