Venue: Musée de la Civilisation, 85 Rue Dalhousie, Québec City, QC, Canada, G1K 8R2
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Monday October 10, 2022
Plenary session #1
Sponsored by Evident
8h45 | Welcome address Flavie-Lavoie Cardinal |
9h | Markus Sauer Molecular resolution fluorescence imaging |
9h30 | Jerome Mertz Techniques forhigh-contrast voltage imaging |
10h | Na Ji Interrogating synaptic activity athigh spatiotemporal resolution |
10h30 – Coffee break
Plenary session #2
11h | Lydia Danglot Decifering neuronal and synaptic architecture at the nanoscale using quantitative super-resolving 3D microscopy. |
11h30 | Markita Landry Near infrared nanosensors to image brain chemistry. |
12h | Chen Yang Non-genetic Photoacoustic Neural Stimulation |
12h30 – Lunch
Short Talks #1
14h | Mathieu Ducros Active Image Optimization for Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy in Brain Slices. |
14h15 | Antoine Légaré Influence of neuromodulation on brain states and their transitions in larval zebrafish |
14h30 | Stéphane Bancelin 3D-STED microscopy in the mouse hippocampus in vivo |
14h45 | Angela Getz Resolving and manipulating endogenous AMPA receptor dynamics in brain slices with lattice light-sheet microscopy |
15h – Coffee break
Plenary Session #3
Sponsored by Plexon
15h30 | David Perrais Localization and function of endocytic zones in neuronal dendrites: relevance for synaptic plasticity. |
16h | Jennifer Li Ancestral origins of cognitive maps in the vertebrate brain |
16h30 | Haruhiko Bito Multiplex imaging of neural activity and signaling |
17h – 22h Posters and cocktail dinner
Tuesday, October 11th
Plenary Session #4
Sponsored by Evident
9h | Flavie-Lavoie Cardinal Machine learning-assisted optical nanoscopy. |
9h30 | Drew Robson Rethinking vertebrate sleep: the behavioral and neural organization of REM-like states |
10h | Edward Ruthazer Functional plasticity in developing retinotopic maps |
10:30 – Coffee break
Short Talks #2
11h | Iason Keramidis Hippocampal chronic optogenetic activation alters proteome and elicits synapse disruption. |
11h15 | Ivan Cotohernandez Multiphoton Microscopy for Three-dimensionalhistomorphometry of Peripheral Nerve. |
11h30 | Catherine Bouchard Generative Adversarial Network Assisted Super-Resolution Microscopy |
11h45 | Alex Klioutchnikov A three-photonhead-mounted microscope for imaging all layers of visual cortex in freely moving mice. |
12h | Marie-Eve Paquet Optimizing the development loop for real-world working optogenetics tools. |
12h15 – Lunch
Plenary Session #5
Sponsored by BliQ Photonics
13h30 | Chris Schaffer Stopping epileptic seizure propagation with laser cuts to the cortex. |
14h | Caroline Ménard Seeing is believing super-resolution imaging of stress-induced changes in the brain and gut barriers. |
14h30 | Harold MacGillavry CRISPR/Cas9 approaches to study the dynamic nanoscale organization of synapses. |
15h – Coffee break
Plenary Session #6
15h30 | Ravi Rungta Multiscale imaging of neurovascular coupling. |
16h | Daniel Choquet Nanoscale synapse function and organization. |
16h30 17h30 |
Renée Hlozek |
17h30-22h Evening activities
Wednesday, October 12th
Plenary Session #7
Sponsored by CERVO
9h | Minoru Koyama Chemigenetic approaches for studying the assembly of neuronal circuits in zebrafish. |
9h30 | Laurent Groc Defining the hippocampal extracellular space using single nanoparticle tracking |
10h | Anna Devor Two-photon imaging through wearable and optically transparent neurorecording devices. |
10:30 Coffee break
Plenary Session #8
11h | Chris Xu Technology development for multiphoton imaging of the brain |
11h30 | Jean-Claude Beique Probing the nature and dynamics of eligibility traces in cortex using optical methods. |
12h | Bojana Stefanovic Two-photon fluorescence microscopy of brain trauma |
12h30 – Lunch
Short Talks #3
13h30 | Céline Larivière-Loiselle Polychromatic digital holographic microscopy for live-cell imaging. |
13h45 | Laurent Cognet Single carbon nanotube localization microscopy in the NIR reveals brain extracellular space landscapes around synapses and in neurodegenerative conditions. |
14h | Claria Zaccaria Platforms for single cell optogenetics to study memory in neuronal cultures |
14h15 | Vincent Breton Provencher Using two-photon imaging to dissect spatiotemporal dynamics of the noradrenergic system. |
14h30 Coffee break
Plenary Session #9
15h | Patrick Desrosiers The hidden low-dimensional dynamics of large neuronal networks. |
15h30 | Majid Mohajerani Spontaneous activity, memory replay, and the default mode network |
16h | Rochelin Dalangin Towards the next generation of genetically encoded fluorescent indicators for neuromodulators. |
16h30 | Yves De Koninck Novel microprobes for in vivo opto-electrophysiology |