Frontiers in Neurophotonics 2008

Bordeaux, October 20 – 23 2008

A meeting organized jointly by the universities of Bordeaux and Quebec City
to foster scientific exchanges between Neurobiologists and Physicists sharing interest in Biophotonics.



From single molecule detection to in vivo imaging: non-linear optics for biology, molecular interactions, new probes for imaging, image analysis, breaking the diffraction limit, high resolution imaging of neuronal structures and functions, nanoscale organization of the synapse and more…



Gabrielle Marre (Alpha – Route des Lasers, Bordeaux)
Daniel Choquet (University of Bordeaux)
Paul DeKoninck (Laval University, Quebec City)
Brahim Lounis (University of Bordeaux)
Daniel Côté (Laval University, Quebec City)



Final program available here


List of speakers

Emmanuel BEAUREPAIRE (Paris)
Serge CHARPAK (Paris)
Laurent COGNET (Bordeaux)
Daniel COTE (Quebec)
Maxime DAHAN (Paris)
Gaudenz DANUSER (San Diego)
Paul DE KONINCK (Quebec)
Karl DEISSEROTH (Stanford)
David DIGREGORIO (Paris)
Michael EHLERS (Durham)
Maria GARCIA-PARAJO (Barcelona)
Gregory GIANNONE (Bordeaux)
Laurent GROC (Bordeaux)
Taekjip HA (Urbana-Champaign)
Ehud ISACOFF (Berkeley)
David KLEINFELD (San Diego)
Arthur KONNERTH (Munich)
Akihiro KUSUMI (Kyoto)
Jerome MERTZ (Boston)
Valentin NÄGERL (Bordeaux)
Francesco PAVONE (Firenze)
Hervé RIGNEAULT (Marseille)
Bernardo SABATINI (Boston)
Christophe SCHMIDT (Amsterdam)
Mark SCHNITZER (Stanford)
Petra SCHWILLE (Dresden)
Michael SHEETZ (New-York)
Ryuichi SHIGEMOTO (Okazaki)
Stephan SIGRIST (Wuerzburg)
Olivier THOUMINE (Bordeaux)
Lisa TOPOLNIK (Quebec)
Antoine TRILLER (Paris)
Richard TSIEN (Stanford)
Paul WISEMAN (Montreal)
Chris YIP (Toronto)