4th International Frontiers in Neurophotonics Symposium
October 3 – 6 2015
The 2015 Frontiers in Neurophotonics Symposium took place at the Musée de la civilisation in Québec city. Visit the mcq.org website.
The official hotel of FINS2015 was the Hotel Clarendon, a remarkable Art Deco heritage building tucked amid the quaint streets of Old Quebec.
View the full program of FINS2015 here.
Public lecture:
A public lecture by Karl Deisseroth from Stanford University was presented on October 6th 2015 at the Musée de la civilisation de Québec.
Photo gallery:
Visit the FINS2015 Photo gallery page
FiNS 2015 focus on leading edge photonics approaches and technologies to understand brain structure and function.
Advances in neuroscience critically hinge on the development of approaches that enable probing and controlling cellular and molecular events in live cells and within the intact brain. Optical approaches are rapidly becoming central to bridge molecular and systems neuroscience.
Topics covered included:
- Super-resolution optical microscopy
- Image analysis & computational approaches
- Optogenetics & photomanipulation
- In vivo non-linear imaging
- Single molecule techniques
- Intrinsic molecular imaging and spectroscopy
- Fiber probes for sensing, imaging, and stimulating
- David Kleinfeld | University of California in San Diego
- Paul Wiseman | McGill University
- Nelson Spruston | Janelia Farm
- David Boas | Martinos center for biomedical imaging
- Kevin Briggman | NIH-NINDS, Bethesda
- Thomas Oertner | Institute for Synaptic Physiology, Hamburg
- Jason Kerr | Max Planck Institute, Bonn
- Georg Keller | FMI – Friedrich Miescher Institute
- Jérôme Mertz | Boston University
- Minoru Koyama | Janelia farm
- Sebastian Jähne | University of Göttingen Medical Center
- Arthur Konnerth | Technische Universität München
- Markus Sauer | Biozentrum Universität Würzburg
- Istvan Katona | Inst. of Experimental Medicine, Budapest
- David Perrais | Université de Bordeaux
- Karl Deisseroth | Stanford University
- Mathias Fink | École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la ville de Paris
- Casper C. Hoogenraad | Utrecht University, Netherlands
- Robert Campbell | University of Alberta
- Santiago Costantino | Université de Montréal
- Claire Wyart | Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière (ICM)
- Tim Murphy | University of British Columbia
- Takeharu Nagai | Osaka University
- Jean-Baptiste Sibarita | Université de Bordeaux
- Rainer Friedrich | FMI – Friedrich Miescher Institute
- Yves De Koninck | Université Laval
Scientific Program Committee
Organizing Committee
2015 Sponsors
Platinum / Platine
Gold / Or
Silver / Argent
Institutional / Institutionnel
Jointly organized by