The next in-person edition has been postponed to the Fall of 2022. Details to follow.
Cathie Ventalon | École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Chris Schaffer | Cornell University, USA
Chris Xu | Cornell University, USA
Daniel Choquet | Université de Bordeaux, France
Harold MacGillavry | Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Ilaria Testa | SciLifeLab, Sweden
Jérôme Mertz | Boston University
Laurent Groc | Université de Bordeaux
Lyangyi Chen | Peking University, China
Markita Landry | Berkeley University, USA
Na Ji | Berkeley University, USA
Patrick Desrosiers | Université Laval, Québec
Valentina Emiliani | Paris Descartes
Yulong Li | Peking University, China
Jennifer Li | Max Planck Institute, Tuebingen, Germany
Haruhiko Bito | University of Tokyo, Japan
Silvio Rizzoli | University of Göttingen, Germany
… and more to come